Because All Kids are Amazing!
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Amazing Kids Pediatric Dentistry Home

Pediatric Dentistry Services Focused on Healthy Dental Development and Wellbeing for all Children, from Infants to Teens and Special Needs Care Children.



Fort Worth Clinic: ☎ (817) 926-9777

Stephenville clinic: ☎ (254) 434-5029



Fact: Every Kid is Amazing

Welcome to Amazing Kids Pediatric Dentistry! I'm Dr. Shawne Barron and I’ve dedicated a lifetime of education and care to discover every Amazing Kid Possible!

We know Every Child Is Special. Our office is a haven of care and education for children of all types ages 0 through 18+.

Dr. Shawne Barron DDS, MS

Dr. Shawne Barron DDS, MS


Areas of Practice

Preventive Care

Children have dental needs that are different from those of adults. As a pediatric dentist, we are trained to meet all oral health care concerns of infants to adolescents and patients with special needs.

Let us be your first dental home! The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry encourages parents to establish a "dental home" for children by age 1! There are important health benefits to starting care at the recommended age.

Ease in Care

We provide a nurturing environment where children feel at ease. We will proceed at a pace that is most comfortable for your amazing child, with the goal of allowing your child to gain confidence and realize that he/she CAN accomplish a successful first dental visit!  

Interceptive Orthodontics

Sometimes teeth come in at odd angles. This is where Interceptive Orthodontics comes in - it's a type of orthodontics that addresses developing malocclusions. If any are detected - growth, development, and dental analyses are used to determine any orthodontic interceptive needs.

What to expect

From age 3 on, we hope to accomplish x-rays, cleanings, exams and fluoride applications at a first visit or recall appointment.  We will not push any child past his or her comfort level, but will encourage him or her to try all the steps of a dental visit by using an approach called " tell, show, do."  

Children with Special Needs

Primary dental care is important, even more so for children with special needs or in need of behavior management. We provide a nurturing environment where even the most sensitive children feel at ease. We help them understand what to expect in both sight and sound when first visiting the dental office.

Emergency Care

Oh No! Let's face it - emergencies can happen. Keep Cool, You are Amazing, and Your Kid is Too! Following guidelines for common emergencies can make all the difference.